Good news for those who work in acupuncture practice management. Ancient healthcare art is currently one of the most popular therapies in the alternative medicine market. In Europe alone, acupuncture is expected to grow by 12.97% in 2022, which is a modern record. This means heightened demand, but are you ready to meet it?
Here’s our guide to growing your private acupuncture practice and making it desirable for existing, new, and potential customers.
1. Treat it like you would treat any other business
Yes, being your own boss is incredibly liberating, but it can also lull us into a false sense of stability. Sometimes it’s good to imagine yourself as an employee that has an employer to answer to: that’s how you retain that discipline and stay productive. A mindset like that is always helpful, wherever you’re just starting an acupuncture practice or thinking of changing the existing strategy.
2. Have a strong vision and never waver from it
Write down weekly, monthly, annual goals for your practice’s growth. How many clients are you seeing one month from now? How does your personal brand look by the end of the year? You got the idea.
3. Make independent practice your goal
It’s not uncommon to work under another acupuncturist, especially for a newcomer. It’s also helpful: you learn from a more experienced colleague, meet new clients, and have a steady workflow. But the only way to achieve professional, creative, and financial freedom is to start your own practice and build your own customer base.
4. Expand your outreach by adopting a hybrid workplace model
Ever think about productivity and lease money you lose during idle time? Or because your workplace is in an area that is inconvenient to so many interested clients? Try a hybrid workplace model, where you can switch between in-home and office settings. For instance, Wellerz has an extensive selection of cozy and well-accommodated rooms, with bathrooms and waiting areas — and you can book them for just an hour. You can find an acupuncture space for rent on demand in any location that works for you and your clients, saving time and money.
5. Use omnichannel marketing and never stop advertising
Every digital tool out there should be promoting your acupuncture practice 24/7. Hire a professional agency to set things in motion and reach the interested audience. But also make sure your personality shines through every post. Acupuncture is a very personal ordeal, and people should trust you from the get-go. Film yourself, share personal stories, bust common Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) myths, show how beautiful and powerful acupuncture really is.
6. Initiate constant rebookings
Remember that even the most loyal clients can suddenly disappear. Don’t break your bond: introduce a loyalty program, discounts, package deals, promo codes, special offers, referrals, etc. Everyone loves a good bargain, especially when they know it will keep on coming.
Start the rapid growth of your practice: rent an acupuncture office near you from a like-minded practitioner. Remember, with Wellerz you only pay for the time you use!